Silvester de Ruiz is the Lasombra Lord of Iberia. Sea of Shadows does not control Constantinople or Greece Montano rules from Sicily West Germany is recently converted to Christianity (and Ventrue domination), East Germany is still Pagan (and Einherjar). Christianity has only started to encroach. Odin the All-High and the Einherjar rule over a still pagan Scanadinavia warring with the Get of Fenris yet raiding all over Europe. Tanit is still the Baali shadow ruler of Tyre. Nakhthorheb still leads the Followers of Set. Sha'hiri is still the Eldest of Banu Haqim. Dominic is allied with Michael and the Dream. Narses, Archbishop of Nod, rules Lasombra Italy from Venice with the Cainite Heresy.ĭominic is Brujah Warlord of Hungary and is waging war against the Ventrue of the HRE. Salianna has not yet arrived in the French Court. The Dream includes most of Greece and AnatoliaĪlexander is the Ventrue Prince of Paris. Also present: Khay’tall of the Children of Judas, Lexor Brujah, Magnus Lasombra. Dracon is still in the city, but depressed over the destruction of Antonius.